What might Sharper Brighter, Clearer Vision*1 look like?

Drag the circle in the image below to explore the scene with increased contrast.
Bright Light
A woman hiking in the forest with sunlight beaming through the trees.
A woman hiking in the forest with sunlight beaming through the trees, but blurry.


*Improved optical performance and vision compared to ACUVUE® OASYS Brand contact lenses with HYDRACLEAR® PLUS Technology

1 - Cheng X, Moody K, Xu J, Lesmes L. Hofmann G, Maggio T, Johnson B. Visual Performance of Silicone Hydrogel Daily Disposable Contact Lenses. BCLA 2017 poster.

Always read the label. Use only as directed.

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, a division of Johnson & Johnson Pacific Pty Ltd, 45 Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW, 2007, Australia. Phone: 1‑800‑736‑912.Email: [email protected]

Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, a division of Johnson & Johnson (New Zealand) Ltd, 507 Mt. Wellington Highway,Mt. Wellington. Auckland. 1006. New Zealand Phone: 0800 466 173 Email: [email protected]

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Disclaimer: The Simulator is provided to clinicians for educational and convenience purposes only, in conjunction with the labelling for ACUVUE^®^ OASYS 1-Day contact lens products. Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited does not engage in the practice of prescribing and this Simulator is not a substitute for appropriate professional education and training or for the exercise of independent professional judgment. Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited cannot warrant the accuracy or completeness of information that this Simulator provides. Each clinical situation should be considered unique to each patient, and all treatments individualised accordingly. Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited does not endorse or recommend any particular technique beyond what is contained in the product labelling, and other techniques may be appropriate in a clinician's judgment.

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ACUVUE® OASYS, HydraLuxe, MOIST, DEFINE®, Natural Shine, Radiant Bright, Radiant Charm, Radiant Sweet, Radiant Chic, LACREON®, HYDRACLEAR®, INTUISIGHT, EYELID STABILIZED and MyACUVUE are trademarks of Johnson & Johnson Vision ©, Johnson & Johnson International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 2024

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