Uncorrected high myopia can be a serious challenge
Myopia doesn’t start as high myopia, it progresses into high myopia as the eye continues to grow in childhood. That’s why it’s so important to catch early—then the eye doctor can come up with a myopia management plan and potentially slow progression. Myopia is often discovered via the most obvious symptom: Blurry distance vision such as when a child is struggling to see the board in school.
Extremely blurry distance vision
Things that are more than a few feet away may look very blurry and hard to distinguish. At high levels of myopia, simple things can become more difficult and dangerous— like avoiding tripping hazards on a nature trail or navigating to the bathroom at night.
Poor depth perception
Since things that aren’t very close by are so blurry, it can become very hard to judge exactly how far away things are. This can present problems with tasks like driving, crossing the street, hiking and more.
Headaches and frequent eye strain
People with uncorrected high myopia squint to help them see many things in their everyday life, like street signs and the faces of those around them. This squinting and difficulty focusing can cause headaches and feelings of eye strain.