Find an Optometrist
Search below to find locations near you where you can be fitted for ACUVUE® contact lenses¶

What types of eye care professionals are there?
This is a medical doctor with additional specialist training who treats complex medical and surgical eye problems often by sub-specialty.
This is a qualified healthcare professional who manages and treats various eye conditions, conducts comprehensive eye exams and fits contact lenses.
Optical Dispenser
This professional provides vision correction by fulfilling prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses written by optometrists or ophthalmologists.
¶The names and optometrist profiles on this site are provided for informational purposes only and do not represent an endorsement of any particular healthcare professional. The choice of optometrist and particular treatment options belongs to you.
‖ MyACUVUE® is subject to Terms of Use which can be viewed upon downloading the app. Alternatively, you may email [email protected] for a copy.
MyACUVUE® is only available at selected Optical Practices which you can find in the above Practice Locator.
Important information for contact lens wearers: ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses are available by prescription only for vision correction. An Eye Care Professional will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and the lens care instructions provided by your optometrist. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. If one of these conditions occurs, contact your optometrist immediately. For more information on proper wear, care and safety, talk to your optometrist and ask for a Patient Instruction Guide or call the ACUVUE® Support Team on 0800 466 173.