Learn to take great care of your contact lenses

Smiling young woman wearing a purple sweatshirt smiling and looking in front of class room.

Keep your contact lenses clean and help your eyes stay healthy

Smiling young man with a black backpack on his back. Smiling young man with a white shirt, carrying a black backpack on his back.

It's not hard to take care of your contact lenses, but it does take practice. Establishing a good routine for cleaning and disinfecting is the best way to keep your eyes happy and healthy with reusable contact lenses.

Make contact lenses cleaning part of your nightly routine

Below are general guidelines that can help you care for your reusable contact lenses, but you should always follow the cleaning instructions prescribed by your eye care professional.

An illustrated closed contact lens case.

Fill your contact lenses case

Use fresh disinfecting solutions.

An illustration of someone cleaning a contact lens with solution in the palm of their hand.

Clean the contact lenses

In the palm of your washed, cleaned and dried hand, apply a few drops of the disinfecting solution.

With one finger, gently rub back and forth.

An illustration showing the application of contact lens solution to a contact lens in the palm of a hand.

Rinse the contact lenses

Use more of the solution, then put the contact lenses into your clean contact lenses case.

An illustration of a contact lens case with the right lens case open and a contact lens resting inside.

Store in the disinfecting solution

Put the contact lenses in their case, close it, and leave them to soak overnight.

Four steps to follow for daily contact lenses case hygiene

  1. Empty: Always start by tossing the old solution. Never re-use or "top-off" the solution.
  2. Rinse: Use fresh contact lenses solution. Never use tap water.

  3. Air-Dry: Leave the case upside down on a clean towel or tissue.

  4. Replace: Get a new contact lenses case on a regular basis—at least every 3 months.

Contact lenses dos and don'ts


  • Wash your hands before touching your contact lenses.
  • Put contact lenses on first, before makeup.
  • Remove your contact lenses and call your eye care professional if you experience redness, changes in vision or discharge.
  • Establish a routine: Replace contact lenses on the same day of the week, remove contact lenses from in the same order, etc.


  • Use tap water to clean your contact lenses or contact lenses case.
  • Wait to clean your contact lenses after you take them out.
  • Wear your contact lenses longer than the recommended replacement schedule your eye care professional gave you.
  • Sleep in your contact lenses.
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More tips for everyday comfort

Your eyes naturally have a layer of moisture, but sometimes your lifestyle can throw this balance off. Here are a few common areas that may cause discomfort, and ways you can stay on top of things.

What usually causes eye irritation?

A woman with black & white strip rubbing her eye at the park

Almost everyone gets red eyes every now and then, but for many, it's temporary. Here are some typical causes:

  • Being tired
  • Wind
  • Dry or dusty environments
  • Allergies
  • Wearing contact lenses longer than recommended
  • Sensitivity to materials or solutions

Remember, you should always adhere to the replacement schedule for your contact lenses.

Mild, temporary irritated eyes are one thing, but if you're experiencing sensitivity to materials or solutions, persistent redness or irritation, pain or impaired vision, you should contact your eye care professional immediately.

Get to know common eye ailments

Two young adult having a conversation in a working room setting.

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our eyes get sick. Learn about some common eye problems and conditions, their causes, symptoms and how your eye care professional may treat them.

Get started with ACUVUE® contact lenses

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Always wash hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses.

*Free trial contact lenses available only from participating eye care practitioners. Exam and fitting fees not included.

Important information for contact lens wearers: ACUVUE® Contact Lenses are available by prescription only for vision correction. An eye care practitioner will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and the lens care instructions provided by your eye care practitioner. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. If one of these conditions occurs, remove the lens and contact your eye care practitioner immediately.

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