Getting to the bottom of contact lens myths

There are a few common misconceptions about contact lenses that keep some people from giving them a try. We'll help you separate fact from fiction so that you can relax and enjoy all the ways contact lenses can improve your life.

Myth: Contact lenses can go behind your eye

ACUVUE® Illustration Myths Lost Behind Eye

It's impossible for contact lenses to get behind your eye, as there is a membrane called the conjunctiva that covers the white part of the eye and connects to the inside of the eyelid.

Myths about how contact lenses can affect your eyes

ACUVUE® Illustration Myth Scratch Eye

Myth: Contact lenses can scratch your eyes

As long as you care for your contact lenses properly and wear them as a qualified eye care professional prescribes, the chances of such problems are extremely rare.

ACUVUE® Illustration Myth Stuck in Eye Alt

Myth: Contact lenses can get stuck to your eyes

Contact lenses are generally easy to remove using the method your eye care professional recommends. If they temporarily stick, use a few drops of lens solution to loosen them up.

An illustration of an infected eye.

Myth: Eye infections are common when wearing contact lenses

Contact-related health problems are rare, and usually related to poor cleaning routines. Follow your eye care professional's care instructions to keep your eyes safe.

Myth: Contact lenses are uncomfortable

Wearing contact lenses can feel strange at first, but eventually most people hardly notice them anymore. We're so confident you'll love ours, we created our Comfort Promise^.

More myths about contact lenses

A young Asian woman with grey shirt smiling and enjoying the breeze at the open space

Myth: Contact lenses cost more than glasses

While contact lenses may be more expensive up front, in the long run, they can be more cost-effective than glasses.

Acuvue® Product Packs

Myth: Contact lenses are difficult to care for

Advances in technology make contacts easy to use. For the most convenience, consider daily disposable contact lenses. Just wear them for the day, then throw them

An Asian woman with bun up looking at the left side imagining

Myth: Your eyes need a day off of contact lenses

Contact lenses are safe to wear daily. If your eyes become irritated, however, your eye care professional may tell you to wear glasses until the irritation goes away.

Myth: Contact lenses can't correct for astigmatism

ACUVUE Illustration Astig Phone

Astigmatism is no longer a barrier to wearing contact lenses. ACUVUE® offers several contact lenses that correct for astigmatism.

Myths about who can wear contact lenses

smiling woman with hair ties up in black & white stripe shirt looking at the camera

Myth: Contacts lenses are only for adults

Lots of teens and even some preteens wear contact lenses. It's less about age and more about being responsible enough to properly wear and care for contact lenses.

Two young adults smiling at each other while hiking in the forest

Myth: Contact lenses are not for part-time wearing

Even if you don't wear glasses all the time, contact lenses can help with certain activities, like sports.

A woman in white tank top closing her eyes with a wide smile on her face looking at the front

Myth: You can't wear contact lenses with dry eyes

There are contact lenses designed specifically for people with dry eyes like ACUVUE® OASYS 1-DAY, and proper care can also help reduce dryness and discomfort.

Other frequently asked questions

Can I wear contact lenses if I've had cataracts surgery?

Only your eye care professional can tell for certain. If your eye care professional feels that contact lenses are still an option, we believe that ACUVUE® is an excellent choice.

If I've had LASIK or another refractive surgery, can I still wear contact lenses?

Only your eye care professional can tell for certain. LASIK surgery permanently alters the shape of your eye, but doesn’t prevent the development of presbyopia, so you may still need vision correction at some point. Fortunately, we offer contacts specifically for presbyopia.

Get started with ACUVUE® contact lenses

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*Free trial lenses available from participating eye care practitioners. Exam and fitting fees not included.

±The ACUVUE® OASYS® Family was formulated with an internal wetting agent to help maintain a stable tear film and reduce dryness symptoms caused by exposure to digital devices.

Always wash hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses. Acuvue® Rewards amount dependent on ACUVUE product and quantity purchased and if you are a new wearer. Must get an eye exam and purchase from participating provider.

Important information for contact lens wearers: ACUVUE® Contact Lenses are available by prescription only for vision correction. An eye care practitioner will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and the lens care instructions provided by your eye care practitioner. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. If one of these conditions occurs, remove the lens and contact your eye care practitioner immediately. For more information on proper wear, care and safety, talk to your eye care practitioner.

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