Get ready for your first contact lens assessment

Learn how to prepare for your first contact lens assessment

Black woman with natural hair inserting contact lens in bathroom mirror

Lay the groundwork before you go

When scheduling your appointment, be sure to talk about the following, so you and your Eye Care Professional can make the most of the time.

Share your vision history and expectations

Describe any new issues you’re experiencing and let them know if you currently wear glasses or contact lenses. It may also be helpful to share what you expect from contact lenses in terms of comfort, wear time and what they can bring to your life.

Ask for a contact lens fitting

A contact lens assessment is a different kind of appointment so let your Eye Care Professional know that you're interested in contact lenses so they can schedule a fitting.

Things to bring to your eye exam

  1. Your current contact lenses or glasses, if you have them.
  2. Your vision and medical insurance cards (if applicable).
  3. Questions. Your Eye care Professional is there to help, so don't hold back. Here are some good starting points:

Questions to ask

If you're completely new to contact lenses:

  • What should I expect in terms of the comfort of my contact lenses throughout the day?
  • Which ACUVUE® contact lenses would be most suitable for me?
  • What are the benefits of Daily Disposables vs Reusable contact lenses?
  • What support is available as I'm learning how to put my lenses on and take them off?
  • What do I need to do to wear contact lenses safely?

If you're already wearing contact lenses:

  • Are there more comfortable contact lenses suitable for me?
  • How is my vision in my current contact lenses?
  • Am I getting the most wear time that I can from my lenses?
  • Is it possible to see more clearly?

Four steps to a typical first appointment

  1. Getting to know you
    First, your Eye Care Professional will ask you a few simple questions and will talk you through the best options for your eyes and lifestyle..
  2. Initial measurements
    Then, your Eye Care Professional will examine your vision as well as taking the necessary measurements to determine your prescription..
  3. Figuring out lens type and checking fit
    Once you and your Eye Care Professional pick a contact lens type, your Eye Care Professional will check that they fit on your eyes properly to ensure that they stay comfortable and your vision is optimal..
  4. Care instruction
    Finally, they will show you how to handle them (apply/remove) and will explain everything you need to know about proper contact lens care..

Get started with ACUVUE® contact lenses

Get Started with FREE* Contact Lenses Today

Just fill in the form to begin your free trial.

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* Please note professional eye examination and fitting fees may apply. GCC residents 18 or over only. One trial per person. Eligibility subject to Eye Care Professional approval. Participating Eye Care Professionals only. See link for full terms and conditions.

For more information on proper wear, care and safety, talk to your Eye Care Professional and read the Instructions for Use.


© Johnson & Johnson Middle East, Inc. 2024. All rights reserved. This site is published by Johnson & Johnson Middle East, Inc., which is solely responsible for its content.
Last updated 12/07/2024.