Work demands more of our eyes

With video conferencing and other digital work being the new normal, many are focusing on screens more than ever. It’s important to keep your eye health at the forefront.

Woman at work desk smiling with hands crossed

Tips for giving your eyes a break

Whether you’re working from the kitchen table or from your office, these tips can help you give your eyes a rest during screen-intensive work.

Take 20

Every 20 minutes look at something at varying distances away from your device for at least 20 seconds, and then blink 20 times.

Practice palming

Gently cup your palms over your closed eyes for about 30 seconds. It can help calm and reset your eyes.

Check screen distance

The centre of your screen should be slightly below eye level, at about arms length.

Adjust text size, screen contrast & lighting

Set at your own comfort, but black print on a white background is usually the best combination.

Eat healthy

Foods like spinach, salmon, eggs, beans, oranges, meat and seafood can help ward off age-related vision problems.

Get outside

Get away from all screens and take a walking break to look around, clear your mind and boost your energy.

Do more for your eyes off-screen

Woman with tight brown curls smiling while standing in a street

Stay protected from UV rays

We know to protect our skin from the sun, but what about our eyes?

Asian woman eating breakfast at a table while looking at her phone

Eat eye-healthy foods

Did you know that your diet** can impact your eye health?

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* Please note professional eye examination and fitting fees may apply. GCC residents 18 or over only. One trial per person. Eligibility subject to Eye Care Professional approval. Participating Eye Care Professionals only. See link for full terms and conditions.

** Diet and Nutrition - American Optometric Association

^ All ACUVUE® contact lenses have UV Blocking to help provide protection against transmission of harmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye. UV absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV absorbing eyewear such as UV absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. You should continue to use UV absorbing eyewear as directed by your Eye Care Professional.

For more information on proper wear, care and safety, talk to your Eye Care Professional and read the Instructions for Use.



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Last updated 12/07/2024.